Thursday, January 21, 2010

Politico Plays Stenographer for GOP and it's Health Care Astroturf

Politico cites GOP polling firm on health care reform, omits ties to health care industry
A Politico article cited exit polling data from Republican firm Fabrizio, McLaughlin & Associates, in asserting that opposition to health care reform "was the most important issue" in Republican Scott Brown's victory in the Massachusetts Senate election. Politico made no mention of the fact that some of Fabrizio, McLaughlin and Associates' clients have expressed opposition to aspects of health care reform legislation, including the U.S. Chamber of Congress, Blue Cross-Blue Shield, and the American Health Care Association.
Politico is not as bad as Fox, but they play a similar game. They claim to be fair and balanced because 10% of their stories are fair to Democrats, just you know, ignore the 90% of the stories that Conservative propaganda.

What would we be hearing from the Conservative noise machine if a Democrat defaced the American flag to promote an extremist political agenda, Brown victory party featured flag calling for a ‘second’ revolution, tea party-inspired civil war.

Progressives (and Obama) are Doing Better Than We Think — and We Won’t Know What We’ve Got ‘Til It’s Gone