Monday, January 11, 2010

Conservative News Update - Dishonest, Nutty and Wrong

Was Harry Reid Right? - It may not have been PC, but the majority leader may simply have been honest about how voters react to skin color.

CNN is aflutter. Bloggers are calling it a "big-time" mistake. Newspapers describe the "racially tinged" remarks as "sensational." What is this "juicy revelation"? Apparently, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid privately told two journalists in 2008 that Obama was more electable because he's "light-skinned" and lacked a "Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one."

....Lost in all the handwringing and shock, however, is any clear explanation of what's wrong with Reid's comment. Clearly, using "Negro dialect" is about half-a-century behind the times, but does anyone think Reid meant ill by his anachronism? Moreover, as the recent kerfuffle about the 2010 Census revealed, "Negro" is still used by a non-trivial number of older black folks. In 2000, for example, more than 50,000 people went the extra effort of writing-in that they identified themselves as "Negro" (over-and-above the millions who checked the box for "Black, African-Am., or Negro").

Conservatives are trying to get revenge for well known racist Trent Lott. That is a stretch.

Is Liz Cheney as unhinged and intellectually bankrupt as her father. Probably. Liz Cheney Airs Hypocritical Attack Ad On Obama For Waiting ‘100 Hours’ To Respond To Terror Plot

On ABC’s This Week, host George Stephanopoulos confronted Cheney about her hypocritical attack. “As many Democrats and others have pointed out, President Bush waited I think six days before doing much about Richard Reid, the shoe bomber,” he noted. Cheney evaded the question entirely, pretending not to hear it. “The point of that ad,” she said, “was this notion that you cannot win a war if you’re treating it as sort of an inconvenient sidelight.”
This deflection technique works pretty well for Republicans. Its like a child's game and since conservatives act like brats most of the time deflecting reality is fitting.

Do the people of Massachusetts really know Scott Brown and what he stands for. He's no Ted Kennedy.What Does Scott Brown of Massachusetts Stand For? He is a George W. Bush Republican