Sunday, January 31, 2010

Do Republicans Get Their Talking Points From History's Fascist Propagandists

Scott Roeder Convicted For Murdering Dr. George Tiller – What Say You Bill O’Reilly?

Wichita Kansas: In a victory for our legal system and a defeat for ideological vigilantism, Scott Roeder was convicted, today, of first degree murder in the shooting death of Dr. George Tiller. Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly waged a lengthy, biased on air campaign against Dr. Tiller (whom he referred to as "Tiller the Baby Killer" on at least 29 occasions) which continued after the doctor’s murder. (Here, Here, Here, ) O’Reilly smeared Dr. Tiller during his speech at the “Family Values Summit” where he received a “Courage Award,” from the "Family Research Council," for his “pro-life” advocacy.

Only in the fetid mind of the modern conservatism would advocating murder from the safety of a studio where O'Relly makes a few million a year for doing nothing but wage a hateful disinformation campaign, would such sick behavior be considered "courage". Conservative wimps like Bill O grow like spores on garbage.

Big Government - Andrew Brietbart's hero James O'Keefe has gotten a lot of people to lie for him, but not everyone, Friend of O'Keefe reportedly objected to past transcript distortion
Report: O'Keefe friend said she "grew disillusioned" with his tactics after being asked to doctor transcript of a past film. A September 18, 2009, New York Times article reported that Liz Farkas, a college friend of O'Keefe's while at Rutgers University, said she "grew disillusioned" after O'Keefe asked Farkas to help deceptively "edit the script" of a video involving a nurse at the University of California at Los Angeles.
In between accusing hard working patriotic Americans of being anti-American far left radical, Conservatives like to do some bizarre hypocritical whining about judicial activism, Cornyn Hypocritically Accuses Democrats Of ‘Hysterical’ Reaction To Right-Wing Judicial Activism

Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX)Last week, the Supreme Court’s five conservative justices joined together to invalidate a 63-year-old ban on corporate money in federal elections and in the process overruled a 20-year-old precedent permitting such bans on corporate electioneering. “There were principled, narrower paths that a court that was serious about judicial restraint could have taken,” Justice John Paul Stevens wrote in dissent, essentially “accusing his colleagues of judicial activism,” in the words of the New York Times’ Adam Liptak.

Indeed, though “judicial activism” is a common scare phrase invoked by conservatives, the Roberts Court has “demonstrated that decades of conservative criticism of judicial activism was nonsense” because “conservative justices are happy to be activists when it serves their ideological agenda.” Politico reports that Democratic senators are saying that Justices “Roberts and Alito misled them during their confirmation hearings when they represented themselves as jurists who would respect precedent”:

Referring to the memorable analogy in which Roberts compared himself to a baseball umpire, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) told POLITICO this week, “He’s not somebody who just measures balls and strikes. It’s been the most activist court that I’ve seen in my 17 years in the committee.” [...]

Conservatives regularly attack Democratic judges as “judicial activists,” but Judiciary Committee member Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) said, “It’s well past time” to call out conservative justices for their own brand of judicial activism. He said that making such arguments now could help the president if he has another chance to nominate a justice to the court.

Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), a former judge and current Judiciary Committee member, called such complaints “hysterical.” He thinks the court’s decision last week was simply an effort to “to protect the Constitution’s First Amendment rights of free speech and association.” But his charge that Democrats are “hysterical” over right-wing judicial activism is odd considering he mused in 2005 that there might be a connection between violent attacks against judges and judges “making political decisions“:

CORNYN: I don’t know if there is a cause-and-effect connection but we have seen some recent episodes of courthouse violence in this country. Certainly nothing new, but we seem to have run through a spate of courthouse violence recently that’s been on the news and I wonder whether there may be some connection between the perception in some quarters on some occasions where judges are making political decisions yet are unaccountable to the public, that it builds up and builds up and builds up to the point where some people engage in — engage in violence.

That last line is the side winding snake propagandist speech of a modern fascist calling for violence against judges, phrased in a way to give him plausible deniability. Cornyn has had a Senate career devoid of any achievements except living off the tax payer as he does his best to make sure government is not for the "common good" of the people - and people wonder what is wrong with government - its called modern conservatism. Maybe he's related to O'Reilly and O'Keefe.