Monday, January 25, 2010

Fox Smears ACORN with Childish Innuendo and Conservative Fakery

ACORN Still Smeared With “Voter Fraud” In Fox Article
But then again, on Fox, it seems no article is complete without a subtle or not-so-subtle swipe at the left, at President Obama, or at ACORN. However, as reported by the Drudge Report in December 2009, “The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) did not commit voter fraud, and it didn't misuse federal funding in the last five years, according to a recently released report prepared by the Congressional Research Service (CRS), a nonpartisan investigational arm of Congress.”

Scott Brown, Fred Thompson and the Authenticity of Trucks. Brown's truck was like G.W. Bush's sudden purchase of a fake ranch in Texas in 2000 ( which he sold as soon as he left office) a fake badge of fake populism. Fake values, fake understanding of the economy, fake concern for families and education. Fake is the only real thing about Conservative like Brown and Bush.