Wednesday, April 21, 2010

You don't know Orwellian until you know Frank Luntz. Who Is the Guy That Tells Senate Republicans What To Think and Say

The guy who told the GOP to brand financial reform a "bailout"? Every word he speaks seems to be a lie

Fools these days just fling around the word "Orwellian" like it doesn’t mean anything. Please, guys. Despite what some people would have you think, not everyone out there is some budding totalitarian. Let's try to keep the word meaningful and useful for later.

But that doesn't mean we can never take note of modern practitioners of Newspeak. I'm thinking here of pollster and GOP image guru Frank Luntz. If we're holding on to "Orwellian" for when we really need it, well, this guy represents a downright special occasion, so let's splurge.

It was Luntz who suggested, in a now-infamous memo, that Republicans mask their assiduous service of Wall Street in the fight over financial reform by accusing the Democrats of assiduously serving Wall Street. The ceaseless claims that the proposed bill would authorize a new "bailout" come directly from Luntz’s playbook. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, for example, warned, "We cannot allow endless taxpayer-funded bailouts for big Wall Street banks."

[ ]...Of course, the proposed bill doesn’t create a permanent bailout. The measure that Republicans have criticized, borrowing language from Luntz, in fact levies a tax on banks, and would use the money to dismantle -- not reward -- companies under financial duress. But I guess that still fits under Luntz’s rubric of "any legislation."
Senate Republicans and right-wing fascist-lite web sites like Big Government are the puppets and Luntz is the puppeteer pulling the strings. So please America vote Republican in 2010 so we can have more bought and paid for Republican rule that works for Wall St at the expense of the average American worker. More on financial reform for Wall St here - Credit default swaps: What are they good for?