Sunday, April 25, 2010

Conservative Playbook Rule 4 Mix Hyporisy and Unhinged Whining

This week in crazy: Scott Baio
What's the one thing the former teen idol hates more than paying taxes? Those mean "lesbians" from Jezebel!

We suspected Scott Baio had the makings of a great Twitter meltdown back in January, when the former teen star and staunch conservative posted an unflattering photo of Michelle Obama along with the comment, "WOW He wakes up to this every morning." We were impressed when he followed up by posting a photo of himself with an actual black lady to prove he wasn't racist. And he got our attention when he tweeted, on April 12, "Taxes are done. That should feed, house & provide medical for quite a few lazy non working people at my expense."
Like most conservatives Scott like to make up reality as he pleases and exaggerate his contribution to the public treasury. We are even left to assume he means federal income tax and not the total of his payroll taxes - most of which are returned to him or his family in benefits. Out of his federal income tax less than 3% goes to social programs like aid to poor children and food stamps ( most recipients of food stamps are either low paid workers or seniors who are living off social security). He would literally have to be paying in the hundreds of thousands of dollars to support a family - and that is if such a welfare program existed - which it doesn't. Should we mention that Scott belongs to a union that looks out for his interests like making sure he gets a minimum wage when he works ( when is the last time he worked? so he is living off residuals from shows he made years ago and investments. he literally has not not a day's labor in his life.) A bitter delusional little man who seems deeply unappreciative of his good luck.

And so much for the ability of this Hollywood right-wing christianist ability to be self supporting - Christians come to Stephen Baldwin's

A Christian group has come to the aid of bankrupt actor Stephen Baldwin -- a website has been set up to allow fans to donate money to restore his wealth.

The born-again Christian filed for bankruptcy last year after he racked up more than $2.3 million worth of debt, stemming from several mortgages, tax bills and credit card accounts.
It's the wing-nut welfare system. he do not have to worry about working or paying for your poor judgment and laziness your right-wing pals will do that for you.

John flip-flopper- McCain, Arizona Law Exposes McCain's Serial Flip-Flops on Immigration