Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tea party Struggles to Find Something Real to Protest

The tea baggers are literally struggling to define what it is they are so angry about - according to this survey of tea baggers most are doing well economically - hey they have the time and money to attend allies rather than work. They support government programs such as the government run health insurance program known as Medicare. They support the government run social safety net insurance program know as Social Security. Most do not even think their federal income taxes are too far out of line. So what are the tea baggers really - just another branch of the far right conservative movement - GOP operatives crash the tea party. No doubt some of the tea baggers are sincere, but those are the ones that are useful idiots to the Republican Party that drove the economy into a ditch and now find it convenient to blame Democrats.

More on the lobbyists and special interests funneling money and misinformation into the tea nut movement - More on the Fox-pushed Tea Party Express scam

I noted a few months back TPM Media's report that the PAC that organized the Tea Party Express, a series of right-wing nationwide bus tours and rallies, had sent nearly two thirds of its spending during a recent reporting period right back to the GOP consulting firm that spawned it. Today, Politico's Ken Vogel provides more details of the Tea Party Express' operations, including the original memo from a consultant with the firm, Russo Marsh + Rogers, proposing its creation.

Vogel also reports that a substantial percentage of spending from the PAC, Our Country Deserves Better PAC, continues to flow directly into the coffers of Russo Marsh + Rogers. That appears to have been the intent from the beginning; Vogel reports that the firm's operative, Joe Wierzbicki, stated in proposing the Express that it could "give a boost to our PAC and position us as a growing force/leading force as the 2010 elections come into focus."