Friday, May 14, 2010

James Inhofe (R-OK) is a one man conspiracy against intelligence and decency

Inhofe's twisted bigotry

What an embarrassment James Inhofe (R-OK) is to humanity. Here's his argument against repealing "don't ask, don't tell."

For those of us — and I’m one of them — who have gone through the military, gone through basic training, and you stop and think — it just doesn’t make any sense. Second of all, it’s just not working. You have women, men, then you have a third group to deal with, and they’re not equipped to do that.

And you know — you hear the stories all the time. A military guy — I happen to be Army, and Army and Marines always feel that when we’re out there, we’re not doing it for the flag or the country; we’re doing it for the guy in the next foxhole. And that would dramatically change that.

Inhofe needs to stop projecting his own bigotry on others:

A survey commissioned by Vet Voice Foundation has found that an overwhelming majority of veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars would be accepting of gays and lesbians serving openly in the armed forces ...

• 73% of all surveyed veterans said such open service would be acceptable, including 42% who said it would be acceptable without reservations and 31% who would find it acceptable even though they would not personally like it. Only 25% said they would find it unacceptable.
Inhofe was in the military one whole year - which makes him an expert? president Obama and Congress are taking things slow and letting everyone get their two cents worth in and for everyone to get used to the inevitable progressive change the military itself says it is ready for.