Sunday, May 16, 2010

Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R-MN) Defends Using Tax Funds for Political Agenda

Pawlenty Hypocritically Supports Chamber Using Taxpayer Bailout Funds To Lobby Against Wall St Reform

Historically, the Chamber’s role is to help big business achieve its goals — fighting the minimum wage, opposing health reform, pushing for outsourcing — while hiding the corporate identities of its funders. As ThinkProgress originally reported, many backers of the Chamber with a stake in financial reform are banks that were bailed out by taxpayer TARP funds. For instance, CitiGroup is a Chamber member that was bailed out by taxpayers and still has not repaid the money.

ThinkProgress recently caught up with Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R-MN) to ask him about firms who are using bailout money to lobby against financial reform. Pawlenty became defensive when asked about this, eventually arguing that the Chamber has a right to use taxpayer money in lobbying ....
Day in and day out conservatives are for strict free market principles except when they're not - as in this case where Pawlenty thinks tax payers should pay for the Chamber's lobbyists. Yep, vote Pawlenty in 2012 for president so we can bring back Bush's crony corrupt capitalism.