Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Republicans Suing Over Health Care Reform Take Reform Money

Republicans Suing Over Health Care Reform Take Reform Money

Yesterday, the Department of Health and Human Services announced that 45 states and the District of Columbia “will receive $1 million in grant funds to help improve the review of proposed health insurance premium increases, take action against insurers seeking unreasonable rate hikes, and ensure consumers receive value for their premium dollars.” The $46 million are part of the $250 million in rate review grant dollars authorized by the new health care law. Indeed, interest is so high that states that oppose the health law applied for grants. As the Wonk Room points out, 19 of the 22 states that are suing the federal government over the constitutionality of the health care law will receive $1 million each to improve their rate review capabilities.
Let's have some truth in advertising and rename the Republican partay the Right-wing Hypocritical Wackos party.

'Ground Zero Mosque' Imam Helped FBI With Counterterrorism Efforts

This week in baseless Reagan hagiography - Why is it so hard for pundits to admit that Reagan was just as unpopular in 1982 as Obama is in 2010? That would be because conservatives have no shame, believe in idolatry, desperately need a hero because every Republican president after Eisenhower has been a crook and liar, and because conservatives wouldn't know the truth if it bit them on the ass.

How would the repeal of health care reform affect the nation,

1. 50 Million Uninsured
2. 25 Million More Underinsured
3. Rapid Deterioration of Employer-Based Coverage
4. 1 in 5 Americans Already Postponing Their Medical Care
5. Over 60% of Bankruptcies Due to Medical Bills
6. Family Premiums Would Double in 10 Years
7. Near-Monopoly Status in 94% of Insurance Markets
8. Dramatic Decline in Emergency Room Capacity
9. 45,000 Uninsured Americans Needlessly Dying Each Year
10. Continued Faiure for Red State Health Care