Monday, August 16, 2010

The Failed Search For a Principled Conservative

Florida Right-wing conservative senate candidate Marco Rubio has no economic plan ( except the continuation of Bushnomics), no education plan, no environmental plan but he can spin like every other conservative who promises to bring "change" to Washington - Marco Rubio – Just Another Crook and Liar

O'Reilly advanced falsehood that about Democrats and Fannie May - "the Democrats in charge of the finance committees" resisted regulating mortgage industry

On the February 24 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor, host Bill O'Reilly once again advanced a false attack on congressional Democrats over the housing crisis, falsely claiming that "the Democrats in charge of the finance committees" resisted efforts by the Bush administration to regulate the mortgage industry and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in particular. In fact, during President Bush's tenure, Democrats did not gain a majority of both houses of Congress -- and therefore control of both "finance committees" -- until 2007. Only then did Congress pass oversight legislation over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
O'Reilly, like your average wing-nut Republican thinks honor is something you wipe yourself with after a bathroom visit.

Here, There And Back Again: Nevada's Sharron Angle's Circular Journey On Phasing Out Social Security. Angle should be grateful for health-care reform. maybe now she can afford to get a brain scan to see what the problem is.

( California) Fact-check of Meg Whitman ( gubernatorial candidate) ad linking Brown to Bell.
Republican mouth opens, lies pour forth. It doesn't usually matter, the cult of conservatism will vote for her anyway. And Meg is pouring enough millions into her own campaign to buy off the rest of the votes she needs.

Guru of conservatism and chicken-hawk war monger Bill Kristol Is Invited to Eat A Bag Of Salted Dicks.

Peter King (R) Voted Against Health-Care for 9-11 Heroes, but feels Community Center is an insult to the same people