Monday, May 10, 2010

Republicans think everyone to the left of Hitler is a socialist and every event which occurs while Obama is in office is his Katrina

Republicans think everyone to the left of Hitler is a socialist and every event which occurs while Obama is in office is his Katrina. Maybe Republicans are dolts who do not have the intelligence or imagination to come up with better metaphors. More here - AP Reverses Course, Refutes "Obama's Katrina" Talking Point

Adding weight to the timeline offered by the White House, the AP report found that President Obama moved quickly to address the unfolding catastrophe in along the Gulf Coast. For example, two days after the fire, Obama convened an Oval Office meeting and mobilized federal resources even before first word of the growing spill...
Of course Republicans feel deep in their twisted and uninformed imaginations that Elena Kagan is a socialist. Probably because, unlike Sen. Mitch McConnell(R-KY) and most Senate Republicans, Kagan does not act like a puppet for Wall St. - Myths and falsehoods about Elena Kagan's Supreme Court nomination