Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Please Help! We're in Search of an Issue The Tea Party Has a Legitimate Right to be Angry About

Tea Parties Rage as Taxes Hit Lowest Level Since 1950

For almost a year and a half, furious Tea Party protesters have been chanting "Taxed Enough Already." But as it turns out, "taxed enough" actually means "at the lowest levels since 1950." That's the word from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, which found that Americans paid the smallest overall tax bill since Harry Truman was in the White House. Of course, that inconvenient truth for Tea Baggers is tied to another: their plummeting payments are due in part to the tax relief delivered by President Obama.
More details and evidence at the link. Job growth is also the best it has been since 2000 - which seems to be a big disappointment to the Orange Congressman from Ohio John Boehner(R).

Senator Hatch(R-UT) who could not win re-election if he was running this year gets one thing almost right -
HATCH: A lot of these Tea Party people are angry, and I’m angry too. … I mean my gosh, They’re mad. They have a right to be mad and I think these Tea Party people are doing the country a service. But when they don’t have an open mind and they won’t listen, that’s another matter and that’s something I think anybody would find fault with.
The American electorate is always angry about something. The problem with the Tea Party - who are just the rabid Right rebranding of ultra conservatives - is they cannot find justification for their anger. The tea baggers are simply conservatives who are too hard headed to learn the Republican policies of 2000-2008 failed and they want to turn conservatism even further Right. Health care reform was budget neutral, taxes on the vast majority of Americans are down, the economy has picked up some steam. Tea baggers keep whining like petulant little brats.