Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Racist Conservative pretend Outrage over Reid Remarks

Conservative hate mongers express outrage over Reid remarks

Limbaugh: "This is outrageous." On his radio show, Rush Limbaugh said that Reid's remarks were "outrageous, because Harry Reid knows the Republican Party was born in the fight against slavery." Limbaugh added that Reid's remarks are an indication of what Democrats have "been reduced to."

Malkin: Reid "playing the race card." In a December 7 post, Michelle Malkin wrote that Reid was playing the race card in his remarks, adding: "I'm sure Nevadans appreciate being likened to slavemasters, too."
Conservatives frequently accuse Obama administration, progressives of creating "slavery"

For instance:

* Beck: Recipients of federal aid have been "taught to be slaves"

* Beck: Progressive policies create "slavery"; "slavery to government, welfare, affirmative action, regulation, control"

* After ranting about how "illegal immigration is modern-day slavery," Beck compares himself to Ben Franklin

* Beck says he can "make a case" Rathke brothers are "enslaving people through ACORN"

* Beck: "The government's irresponsible spending is turning us into slaves"

* Tax deduction change latest Obama proposal Beck claims "involves enslaving people"

* Beck: "You know what this president is doing right now? He is addicting this country to heroin -- the heroin that is government slavery."

* Beck says of stimulus package: "It is slavery"

* Beck again compares recovery bill to slavery

* On Fox, Forbes' Ozanian refers to Employee Free Choice Act as "pro-slavery bill"

* Breitbart's BigGovernment.com publishes blog post comparing health care reform proposal to slavery

* In rant on health care, Levin equated Senate Finance bill with "economic slavery"

* Limbaugh: Democratic Party "obsessed with your death," "party of abortion and euthanasia, slavery and not liberty"

* Limbaugh's guest host is latest radio host to compare current policies or proposals to slavery
The Manufactured Doubt Industry and the Hacked Email Controversy