Thursday, December 31, 2009

Please Send Adult Diapers to Congressional Conservatives

And Better Still
Wow, this is getting pretty bad for the National Review and Marc Thiessen. Thiessen of course said that we tried Richard Reid in a regular American court since that was "long before we figured out that we had other options than handing him over" to law enforcement. But as TPM Reader RM points out, President Bush okayed military tribunals a month before Reid tried to blow up the plane.

As I said, there's no spinning this one. There's no reason beside GOP electoral strategy for not trying AbdulMutallab in a regular American Court. But seriously, with National Review's august history, can't we at least get better fake answers?
We have a better record of prosecuting these airline nuts in civilian courts, just as the Bush administration prosecuted shoe bomber Richard Reid. Conservatives seem to be blinded by their paranoia ....or maybe they're trying to score cheap political points. Trying to distract from their failure to stop Al-Queda because they were obsessed with Iraq. Remember Iraq was the "front" in the war on terror that was supposed to frighten terrorists from trying anything more terrorism.

Dems Blame Bush Admin For Terror Attempt

As GOPers begin increasingly using the attempted bombing of a Detroit-bound airliner to score political points, 2 Dems are blaming the Bush admin for events that led directly to the failed attack.

While many Dems stay silent and let the WH lead the way, DCCC chair Chris Van Hollen and Rep. Eric Massa (D-NY) say the previous admin let down their guard.

"In general, we are facing the consequences of the Bush administration's failures to deal with al Qaeda," Van Hollen told Hotline OnCall. "The Republicans have no business in pointing fingers at the Obama administration on terrorism and national security."

"The Obama administration has been much more aggressive about going after al Qaeda than the Bush administration, which turned its focus from al Qaeda to Iraq," he added. The Obama admin has "been on the offense in places where the Bush administration had taken its eye off the ball."

Meanwhile, Massa has taken on ex-VP Dick Cheney, who he says is directly responsible for releasing the top al Qaeda figures in Yemen who aided and trained the Nigerian-born suspect.

"I would remind the American public that the apparent leaders of the al Qaeda cell in Yemen were 2 terrorists who were released by Vice President Cheney in secret. I think there's a level of accountability that has to be levied personally on the vice president," Massa said in an interview. "He is personally responsible for that."

The truth hurts. Cheney the irrelevant failure keeps wandering out of his bunker and in yet another incoherent rant tries to shift blame. So please America send Cheney and Congressional conservatives an adult diaper since they are going to piss themselves every time there is even a minor terror threat. Jacksonville police hunting for suspects in fatal shooting One man slain at Arlington apartment complex. Someone actually killed and no word from conservatives because its not a situation that feel they can score from cheap political points from.