Monday, November 23, 2009

Conservatives are funny

The tea bagger fake patriots are going to make their own propaganda film, Move over Michael Moore, here comes ‘TEA PARTY: The Documentary’

Convergence has produced a slide show titled “Next Steps Training Presentation” which is devoted to “Re-Discovering Our National Identity” through examining the Declaration of Independence. As of November 20, the slide show that has been viewed slightly over 300 times.
These are the people that have opposed every bit of legislation for the common good of the citizens of the United States since the days of Joe McCarthy. The Declaration of Independence ( which is not a legal document in the sense the Constitution is) contains the famous declaration "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness". To be obvious its difficult to have a life without health care and pursuing happiness is not possible without one's health. Yet they oppose any efforts to bring down the costs of health care or access for more Americans. They must interpret "liberty" as the freedom to suffer and die in misery.

Leaked British Report: No Preparation for Iraq Invasion So Blair Could Keep Lying
Military commanders are expected to tell the inquiry into the Iraq war, which opens on Tuesday, that the invasion was ill-conceived and that preparations were sabotaged by Tony Blair's government's attempts to mislead the public.

They were so shocked by the lack of preparation for the aftermath of the invasion that they believe members of the British and US governments at the time could be prosecuted for war crimes by breaching the duty outlined in the Geneva convention to safeguard civilians in a conflict, the Guardian has been told.

The lengths the Blair government took to conceal the invasion plan and the extent of military commanders' anger at what they call the government's "appalling" failures emerged as Sir John Chilcot, the inquiry's chairman, promised to produce a "full and insightful" account of how Britain was drawn into the conflict.

Fresh evidence has emerged about how Blair misled MPs by claiming in 2002 that the goal was "disarmament, not regime change". Documents show the government wanted to hide its true intentions by informing only "very small numbers" of officials.

The documents, leaked to the Sunday Telegraph, are "post-operational reports" and "lessons learned" papers compiled by the army and its field commanders. They refer to a "rushed" operation that caused "significant risk" to troops and "critical failure" in the postwar period.
Blair owns his share of responsibility, but he was pushed along by the Bushies.

Gun Lobby Mobilizes Against Health Reform By Claiming Obama Administration Will Issue ‘No Guns’ Decree

On Friday, Gun Owners of America sent out an action alert to its 300,000 members warning that the Senate health care bill “would mandate that doctors provide ‘gun-related health data’ to ‘a government database,’ including information on mental-health issues detected in patients, which could jeopardize their ability to obtain a firearms license.” The alert also warned its membership that the “wellness and prevention” provisions in the health care bill would allow the Obama administration to issue a “no guns” decree:

Finally, as we have mentioned several times in the past, the mandates in the legislation will most likely dump your gun-related health data into a government database that was created in section 13001 of the stimulus bill. This includes any firearms-related information your doctor has gleaned…or any determination of PTSD, or something similar, that can preclude you from owning firearms.

And, the special “wellness and prevention” programs (inserted by Section 1001 of the bill as part of a new Section 2717 in the Public Health Services Act) would allow the government to offer lower premiums to employers who bribe their employees to live healthier lifestyles — and nothing within the bill would prohibit rabidly anti-gun HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius from decreeing that “no guns” is somehow healthier.

The so-called “gun-related health data” is actually anonymous statistical information to help researchers develop health programs and initiatives that serve specific population groups or further the study of various conditions and medical needs.

By all means let's not keep records of gun shot wounds? Is there some kind of sick contest going on among conservatives to see how many facts they can twist into urban myths and then get angry about. They're a self perpetuating propaganda machine. They invent the issue, issue factually challenged statements - all over nothing. I own a gun so I know that gun ownership does not destroy brain cells. These gun nuts give responsible gun owners a bad name.