Wednesday, November 11, 2009

As Long as They're Made by Conservatives, Sex Tapes are Family Values Friendly

Carrie Prejean’s Sex Tape – What Say You Bill O’Reilly?

Sean Hannity,as Ellen reported, provided affirmation and validation for former Miss California and spokesmodel for the National Organization for Marriage, Carrie Prejean, whose book Hannity has provided the forward for. It seems that there’s this issue of Carrie’s youthful indiscretion involving a sex tape which she made as a gift to her boyfriend – a nice, Christian, and (most importantly) heterosexual video portrayal of a young Christian girl feeling the love of Jesus. However, as she told Sean, it was a youthful indiscretion which she regrets so it’s all good. But now that she has appeared on Hannity’s show, will she make the rounds of Fox Opinion News? Will she speak with Bill O’Reilly (who also knows the joys of self satisfaction!)? Will Ms. Prejean be a topic for the Culture Warriors? Gretchen Carlson is a former Miss America who could provide some discourse on how virtuous Prejean has been in fighting teh gay and promoting family values while Bill plays the video of Prejean, strutting around in her very Christian white (signifying purity) bikini and her silicone appendages. (Praise the Lord for modern technology!) I do wonder about O’Reilly’s take on the sex tape because it wasn’t that long ago that Bill was doing his “wag of the finger” about teens doing “sexting.”
Carrie Prejean range as an actress is limited, but she does excel at playing the victim. No one made her compete in beauty pageants - you know where the whole concept is to draw attention to one's self and be judged by the judges. No one held her down and made her get breast implants. No one forced her to perform and video tape a sex act for her then boyfriend to use while gratifying himself. It is kind of warped that as she tightly hugs her victimhood she has protrayed anyone that dare disagree with her as 'attackers'. Maybe she has lead such a sheltered life she hasn't heard that in the good ol USA we have free speech and people who are hybrid celebrities/political agenda spokespersons like Carrie can have their say, but those she attacks get to respond.