Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Beck Calls America's Founders Nazis

Beck Call America's Founders Nazis

Earlier today, Media Matters noted Michael Calderone's report that Fox News executives had told Simon Greer of Jewish Funds for Justice that Glenn Beck "crossed the line" when Beck accused of Greer of advocating a philosophy that "leads to death camps." Calderone reported that Greer met with Fox News CEO Roger Ailes and senior vice president Joel Cheatwood on July 26 and that during the meeting, the two executives "agreed that Beck crossed the line in comparing Greer's worldview to that of the Nazis and promised to speak with Beck about the matter." But this evening, Cheatwood disputed that account, telling TVNewser, "Never did we talk about Glenn 'crossing the line.' " TVNewser further reported:

Cheatwood says that during the meeting, he and Ailes explained Beck's perspective that the holocaust is one of the worst events in history and should be handled with a tremendous amount of sympathy. They reinforced that everyone in the media needs to be sensitive around this topic.

Cheatwood said he felt it was an "honest, open, dignified meeting," and that Greer's account as it appeared in the Yahoo! article "didn't bear any resemblance to the truth." "The story basically -- as I read it -- indicated that Roger Ailes and myself had agreed with Greer," he told us.

"We absolutely stood behind Glenn Beck 1000%," he said.

Just so everyone's clear about what Fox News is standing behind, it's worth noting what Beck originally said about Greer on his May 28 radio show.

Beck began by reading from a Washington Post piece that Greer had written about Beck and his attacks on social justice: "Here's what we do for each other as Americans: We grow food, we create jobs, we build homes, pave roads, teach our children, care for our grandparents, secure our neighborhoods. Government makes our country function. To put God first is to put humankind first. To put humankind first is to put the common good first."

After quoting that statement about Americans' shared responsibilities to each other, Beck immediately pounced: "This leads to death camps. A Jew, of all people, should know that. This is exactly the kind of talk that led to the death camps in Germany. Put humankind and the common good first."


We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect
Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the
common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of
Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this
Constitution for the United States of America.

No where in the Constitution is a "God" even mentioned. The 1st Amendment provides for freedom of religion. Which means that the 3000 plus religions in the U.S. are protected, nit just Becks and the extreme right.

10 Republican Lies About the Bush Tax Cuts

Tea Party candidate Ken Buck of Colorado on abortion: ‘I don’t believe in the exceptions of rape or incest.’. Ken wants the government and tax payers to force women to bare children just like Sharron Angle of Nevada.