Friday, June 18, 2010

Republican is Just Another Word For Malicious Idiot

Rep. Joe Barton Likes BP -- and the Company Likes Him Back with Cash

After BP Chief Executive Officer Tony Hayward had expressed his contrition to members of Congress for the ongoing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, a long-time friend of the oil industry, Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas), today issued an apology to Hayward for his harsh treatment at the hands of the White House.

Barton, speaking at a congressional hearing, called the $20 billion escrow account set up by BP to pay for claims related to the spill, a "shakedown" on the part of the Obama administration.

Individuals and political action committees associated with BP have donated $27,350 to Barton's political campaigns since the 1990 election cycle -- eighth among members of Congress, the Center for Responsive Politics' research indicates. (Barton might find it ironic that the man he said so mistreated BP, President Barack Obama, received more than $77,000 from BP employees during his political career.) Contributions from PACs made up 94 percent of Barton's donations.

Individuals or PACs associated with the oil and gas industry as a whole have been Barton's biggest patron since he entered Congress, donating more than $1,448,380 since the 1990 election cycle. The figure puts him at No. 1 among all House members for donations from the industry, fifth among members of Congress and fourth among active members of Congress.
The same people that complain the loudest about how government doesn't work vote to reelect corrupt Rethugs like Joe election cycle after election cycle.

ACORN leader says critics mounted ‘McCarthy-era war against the poor’ after report clears organization of wrongdoing. Where are the apologies from the right-wing nuts that conned the public with doctored video to show ACORN guilty of something they did not do. Stalin would have loved America's Republican party, they have the same values.

AP-GfK poll: Public thumbs up for Obama health law