Monday, October 25, 2010

Fox and Dick Morris - Republican corruption and lack of American values

Fox and Dick Morris - Republican corruption and lack of American values

Dick Morris used his position as a Fox News "political analyst" to tout and solicit donations for the Republican-aligned group Americans for New Leadership weeks after they began paying him thousands of dollars. During his appearances, Morris did not disclose that he was receiving money from the group.

To the contrary, Morris appears to have significantly misled Fox News viewers about his financial ties to Republican entities. On Wednesday's O'Reilly Factor, Morris said he is working hard for the Republican Party and then added, "without compensation." Morris did not reference ANL or any of the numerous other Republican entities that have been padding his bank account.
Republicans pay one of the dumbest political pundits in the world to shill for them. OK, no news here. Republicans learned nothing from the Bush-Tom Delay K-Street era of the conservative culture of corruption.

Conservative hack George Will of the Washington Post is the world's worse columnist. Maybe Dick Morris and finds could buy Will some values.

P.J. O’Rourke - a conservative hate monger for hire has been drunk so long he actually thinks he's funny

"Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) was a fierce critic of the federal bailout of General Motors and Chrysler last year, saying he could not "ask the American taxpayer to subsidize failure." - But he is happy to take money from GM's new political action committee.