Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Republicans Continue to Lie About Obama amd Gulf Spill

Conservative twit Thomas Sowell writes in Is U.S. Now On Slippery Slope To Tyranny? that President Obama somehow extorted the escrow fund from BP. Tom must be getting old or he's just a big a liar as he ever was. BP set up the escrow account on their own.

As a GOP representative from Houston, Barton should be expected to act like an oil industry rent-boy. That is his essential identity and purpose in life, and that is why he apologized to BP chairman Tony Hayward for the “shakedown” perpetrated against the company by President Obama. But there was no shakedown nor was there, as some conservatives have suggested, any violation of the corporation’s constitutional rights. The president has no power to prevent BP from defending claims in court, nor can he prevent the Justice Department from indicting BP executives on criminal charges if sufficient evidence exists to do so. The establishment of the escrow fund was entirely voluntary, and indeed many observers believe that the decision to create it was motivated as much by self-interest and public relations as by compassion or guilt.
Sen. Jon Kyl's (R-AZ) has no integrity or honor as proved by his recent lie about Obama and immigration enforcement - Right-wing media push Kyl's flatly denied claim that Obama said he won't "secure the border"

Two conservative 'intellectuals" think Obama should stop killing so many terrorists - Is McCarthy Secretly A Genius?