Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Right-wing Media Continues Assualt on Truth

Fox News Tea Party Guest: Racism Is Over. It’s Socialism We Need To Fear!

Fritsch, an African American, announced that it didn’t matter whether or not Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, also African American, had been spit on during the tea party protest the day the House of Representatives passed the health care reform bill. What Americans really need to worry about, according to Fritsch, is the threat of socialism! With video. (H/T Matthew P)

Fritsch dismissed a video showing a protester spitting on Cleaver by saying, “The bottom line is, whether or not (Cleaver) was spit on or not really doesn’t matter. Truly, Americans no longer need to fear racists and racism in this country. That’s secondary. The real threat to the good life in America right now is socialism and everything that’s in this health care bill that is sending us down a path of destruction.”
The health care reform bill which will give insurance and health care corporations more customers and profits is socialism? Do Republicans ever know what they're talking about.

From the Salem Witch Trials time machine - modern conservatives, Fox, WorldNetDaily add Berwick to witch hunt of Obama appointees

Former Bush officials rip Tea Parties: They’re ‘outrageous,’ based on ‘fear and hatred,’ bad for GOP

Last night on CNN, Larry King discussed the growth of the Tea Parties and their effect on the Republican Party. While Nancy Pfotenhauer, a Republican strategist who has worked in the past for David Koch, the oil billionaire funding the top groups organizing the Tea Parties, praised the development as “phenomenal,” other Republicans were doubtful. David Frum, a speech writer in the Bush White House, and Scott McClellan, the former press secretary to Bush, decried the Tea Parties for their extreme views, like seeking to abolish Social Security. McClellan explained that the Tea Parties have “limited appeal” because they are simply a “divisive protest movement” that “plays too much to people’s fears and hatred”
Exploiting people's fears and base emotions has been a staple of Republican propaganda since the 1950s. The tea bag crowd is just a rebranded version of the same old.