Monday, February 8, 2010

Conservative City, Republican Town and Bizarro World Are All the Same Place

Virginia Republican Party Mocks Epic Snow Storm As ‘12 Inches Of Global Warming’ - which means another day in which conservatives would like to push America back into the Dark Ages when any wacko belief trumped science, Hottest January in UAH satellite record - Human-caused global warming easily overwhelms much-hyped "cold snap"

Palin on Fox News Sunday: Says Name-Calling "Unnecessary, It's Inappropriate" -- But Just Seconds Before, Calls Liberals "Kooks". To be fair it does appear that Mrs. Palin is just a sockpuppet for her husband.

No doubt there are actually a few tea baggers here and there doing their own thinking. Its just that thinking is so much in tune with what some deep pocket corporate conservative interests want them to say. If the tea baggers are grass roots, the grass is plastic and the roots are as corrupt as the old conservative movement. The Immaculate Convention
And to be sure, the ersatz revolution wasn't just televised by the organs of the Republican Party, but funded by their donors as well. As ThinkProgress documented here, here, here and here, Dick Armey's FreedomWorks and other of the usual suspects among Republican moneymen showered cash and organizational expertise on the Tea Baggers.