Saturday, September 26, 2009

Uninsured 22-Year-Old John Boehner Constituent Dies From Swine Flu

Uninsured 22-Year-Old John Boehner Constituent Dies From Swine Flu
Even though Boehner represents a large university, he has been an outspoken opponent of a public option that would make insurance cheaper and more accessible to recent graduates like Young. On Meet the Press last week, the Minority Leader continued to stick to the obstructionist Frank Luntz-endorsed talking points, dismissing the public option as “big government” while defending a watered-down plan.
Update TPM writes, "Still, if Young's lack of insurance did contribute to her not seeking treatment sooner, it would be hard to find a starker or more compelling example of the need to fix our broken health insurance system. And the fact that she was a constituent of the man who's leading House Republicans' in their effort to block reform only underlines the point.

Newsbuster’s Bizarre and Hypocritical Attack on FCC Appointee

Bush Officials Try to Alter Ethics Report - Focus Is Approval of Harsh Interrogations - May 6, 2009